Wednesday 19 July 2017

Relation of a Mobile phone and Man

The most amazing video, about the relation of a human being and mobile phone, is presented in a very funny way. In fact, it is a bitter reality of our society now a day that we do not care about the true relations, which include our family members and friends. We don’t care about the people, who are sitting very close to us but we are talking to the people, who are very far from us. This is the biggest dilemma of our today’s society and we are ignoring it on the permanent basis.
Excessive use of mobile phone brings so many harms in our life. The relation of a mobile phone and man is all right until the necessity of it. When we go beyond the need of a mobile phone, it starts bringing harms with it. The relation of mobile and man should be limited that it should never ruin the true relations of our life.  It is happening in the routine life that due to this relation of man and mobile, we are going very far with our own relations slowly. At the start, we don’t know that what is happening around us. 
We come to know when we see around ourselves that we have become alone and now nobody is around us. This relation should be very limited and up to the need of the mobile phone. The importance of relation of mobile phone and man should not exceed our true relations. Our true relations are very important and we should never ignore the original ones.
It is often seen that the people sitting with their family members are not talking to them. Everybody in the family is busy in its personal life. No one is caring about each other. This thing starts ruining our personal relation our dear ones and we are going to build the relation with materialistic things silently.