Thursday 27 July 2017

Guinness World Records World Heaviest Bicycle

Guinness World Records was formed in 1955, later renamed as The Guinness Book of Records and currently again renamed as The Guinness Book of World Records. It was founded by Hugh Beaver. Sir Hugh Eyre Campbell Beaver was an engineer and he worked in Indian Police during British Rule in India for 10 years. Later, after return to country he joined an engineering firm and become partner. He worked as Director General and Controller General of the Ministry of Work. He got idea to form Guinness World Record, after watch a debate.
The founder of Guinness World Records, Beaver went to a shooting party in November 1951, in Ireland. He became engross in a debate, in which people was arguing about the fastest game bird in Europe. Beaver had a thought that how many such arguments are there in the people and no such book is to settle them.  Beaver’s decide to turn his idea in a reality. He was recommended two brothers in London by some of his friends. They were collecting such information. They joined Beaver and the Guinness Book of Records first edition was published in August 1954. People started taking interest in the book and it got most popular book and now the book hold a record of bestselling copyrighted book around the world. 
Now it is become a craze in people to become a world record holder and see their name in Guinness Book of World Records. For the purpose, they world harder even for years and some others who are born with natural talent. World’s Fastest Toilet, which runs wheels, can travel 55mph. Most Apple Crushed with the bicep i.e. 10 apple in a minute. The Largest Playing Card Structure took 44 days 218000 playing cards to build. Buried Alive, 10 day buried alive in a grave without food and water connected just a ventilation pipe. The heaviest weight lifted by tong, which is 12.5 kg. The longest bicycle, 117 feet 5 inches long bicycle. These are some the records are recorded by Guinness Book. 
There is record captured in the video. The heaviest ride able bicycle weighing 860 KGs, was prepared by Jeff Peeters from Belgium. The bicycle was built with re-used material. Jeff has extensive in creating contraptions and hold the world record. 


Wednesday 26 July 2017

Movia Metro, a great transit system for the high traffic solution

In this video, the transportation of the Movia Metro is shown. This metro system was purchased by the India for the solution of the high traffic system. Bombardier is a Canadian transport company, which is very famous for the solution of a metro transit system. India purchased this Metro system from the Bombardier. This company offered them their Movia Metro solution, which is very famous in the whole world. In the upcoming era, the traffic is increasing in the whole world at a very fast pace. Most of the large countries are going towards the metro traffic system. 
Movia Metro is the very famous solution of high traffic in the whole world. The Movia metro was transported from the Germany to India. This transportation mode was by air. This was a one of the largest product delivery in the world of transportation. A giant aircraft by the Bombardier was used to carry this metro system. This system was very modern from the outer side and very stylish from the inner side. It was a great project in the history of the India. This Metro system overcomes all climate conditions and bears the extreme conditions also. This was one of the best qualities of this metro system. 
In this Metro system, there was a very wide gate for the comfortable flow of the passengers. In this metro system, they are offering 8 cars in one system. In the one system, they accommodate 27 thousand passengers to one lack passengers in the one-time transportation. This capacity is in one direction. These cars have a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour. This is a great speed and it is also very time-saving. To operate these metro cars, Bombardier is offering the automated solution. This is the unique quality of these metro systems that they have operated automatically with a very low manpower cost. This metro system also reduces the manpower in this regard.


Amy Jackson, the white rising start girl

Amy Jackson is one of the hottest and a talented rising star of the Bollywood. She is white girl belonging to Liverpool. She did not act before 2010 as she never thought about it. When she was asked about to come in India for Bollywood movies, she replied that she never thought about it. Amy also explained that when she was offered for the Bollywood movie, she thought that she will never go to India, as there will be cows, moving all around the cities. It would not be bearable for me. Now, she has her own cook, personal assistant, and chauffeur along with her. 
Amy Jackson is 23 years now and she has come from the streets of the Walton to the luxurious life of the Bollywood. She started her career from the Liverpool and now starting in the super hit movies of the Bollywood. Her new upcoming movie is I. This movie is attracting a very large crowd even in the Britain where most of the people do not know the Amy Jackson. She says herself that her career in the movies of Bollywood is not sure, as she never acted before 2010 and she also cannot speak Hindi even a single word. 
When Amy Jackson won the miss teen contest in the England, the Kollywood director, Vijay went to her and asked for the movies in India. She won this teen beauty contest at the age of 17. Amy said that the Vijay asked me about the only dance. I said yes, I can dance. She said that I can dance only but I have never acted before this. The director said her that he will help her in learning the Hindi language and he will also help her in understanding the script. He will also arrange workshops for the purpose of learning acting techniques. 
She said that she was very happy to hear that she is an English girl but she has an Indian look.  


Tuesday 25 July 2017

The problem of English with Salman Khan

In this video, a press conference is being carried out and Salman khan is forcing a journalist for English.  In fact, it was not the English problem of Salman khan; it was the problem with Amy Jackson. Amy is not any Indian actress and she cannot speak Hindi. She speaks English and understands the script in English. This was the problem with the Amy Jackson. She is counted in the hottest star of the Bollywood. She is coming up in the Bollywood as a future heroin. 
There is a big problem of English with Amy Jackson. She is a very talented girl and has given very super hit movies in her very short career. As she cannot speak Hindi, she has to give her script in English. She is coming up with the most ambitious and very expensive movie of the Bollywood history. She says she never acted before 2010. As she is not an Indian, she doesn’t know about the culture of India. When she entered in the Bollywood, she receives a lot of letters from the Indian men, who were declaring their undying love for her. 
Some were asking her about the relation. She was in the Liverpool when she was offered by an Indian film director about the acting in Indian movies. He told her that she is not an Indian girl but her look is Indian. So she must come to India for this purpose. The film director also offered him to work in a movie. When she was asked about the debut in the Indian movies, she told that she was not ready to come to the India. She is a white girl. She also said that she thought that there will be cows, moving around the cities and everywhere. Now she has her own chauffeur, cook and personal assistant with her. 


Most awkward Rituals of the India.

India is a land of this world, which is very famous for its so strange and awkward Rituals. Some of the Rituals are so creepy and strange, that a normal human being could not imagine these activities. One of the strange and awkward Rituals can be seen in this video. A woman is trying to milk the bitch. She is acting like she is milking a cow. One stranger thing comes in the scene, where a small girl is placing a bowl, which is full of food. This small girl is also acting like she is feeding a cow. 
It is very true that India is the land of magical cultures and the sum of all religions. Their Rituals are very strange in the whole world. Hindus are the majority of India and the largest population of religion, which is living in India. They are very Powerful and acquiring most of the major seats of the country. In this religion, they believe that the cow is their God. They worship the cow. It looks very strange that they don’t eat the meat of any animal. They only eat vegetables, rice, and fish. It is also a Rituals that they wash their homes with the pee of the cow.  
They are very strange people as they believe that it is a crime to eat the meat of any animal. The cow is just a pet but, for the Hindus, it is their God. This thing makes them very different from the whole world. They also have strange Rituals of arranging a marriage of a girl with an animal. This animal may be a dog. It is hard to believe that they are sending their daughters with an animal like a husband. These weird Rituals are so creepy that no one will believe about that. One more strange ritual is about the marriage ceremony of the frogs. Yes, you will not believe, but it is also a ritual in India.  


How to Milk A Bitch, See In India.

The Very strange video came from India, where a woman is trying to Milk the bitch. It is looking very awkward and strange, what the woman is doing. On the other hand, a small girl is placing food in front of the bitch to feed her. This is in fact, the actual face of the India. This country is very famous for their very strange and amazing rituals. These rituals are very famous in the whole world. It can also be seen in this video that a woman is trying to Milk a bitch. It often happens in this country. It is observed by most of the researchers that India is the house of these types of strange rituals. 
It is just an example which can be seen in the video, in which a woman is trying to Milk the bitch and a small girl is placing food in front of him. They are treating him like a lawful pet. It is true that India is the land of these magical cultures and rituals. Milk a bitch looks very strange or on the other way, looks like the height of awkwardness. This height of awkwardness can only be seen in India.
It is also true that in India, there is a huge crowd of the population. This country is the sum of all the religions and nations. They all have their impacts and rules. They all have their own way of living style and to believe in God. These all things make them differentiate with one another. The one of the religion is Hinduism. These people are living only in India. They have the strangest rituals and are very famous for these awkward habits. To Milk, a cow looks good and is a healthy activity. But think about to Milk a bitch. You will try to avoid even to consider this activity.


Most Amazing Moment of Salman Khan’s Life

The stardust awards are the memorable Moment for every actor, who is participating in this show ever. They always remember the time, which they passed during this show. This show is arranged once in a year. In this year, this show is going to be held on 21 December 2016. The cream of the Bollywood is invited for different categories of the awards. The achievement of this award is itself the biggest honor for any actor or actress. They get together on the red carpet and receive their awards after a long process of voting. The fans of the stars vote them for their best performances.
This one of the most amazing Moment of Salman khan happened in this show when the host of the show was telling jokes to the audience. The host of the show was sitting near him and he was also acting while telling the jokes. Every star was laughing at his jokes. The whole crowd was laughing due to his jokes at the Moment. The host of the show got up and again started acting with jokes. His jokes were so amazing that everybody was laughing badly at that Moment. 
The host of the show came near to Salman khan and he was also laughing with the crowd. Salman Khan as everybody knows very well that he likes joking and laughing. At that Moment, Salman khan was also laughing. Suddenly, the Salman khan lost his balance and he went down from his chair. The host of the show raised his hand very quickly and holds the left hand of the Salman khan rapidly. Salman Khan also controlled his balance after placing his right hand on the floor. He got up very quickly and sat normally on his chair. The crowd, who was already laughing badly at the jokes of the host of the show, also amazed this Moment. 


Salman Khan Fell off the Chair

The whole crowd was so amazed when they noticed that Salman Khan Fell off his chair while he was laughing very loudly. Salman Khan was laughing on the funny acting of the host of the Stardust show. The situation became so much amazing and funny when Salman Khan could not control her balance due to the laughter and Fell off his chair. The host of the Stardust show was standing near him and he holds the hand of Salman Khan very quickly. Salman Khan also holds his hand and came back to his seat very quickly. 
This incident happened in the Stardust show when salman khan Fell off his chair. This is the annual show of the Bollywood. The whole cream of the Bollywood is invited in this grand show. This is in fact, an award show for the so many categories of the Bollywood. Color TV is the organizer of this show and they announce the date of the show before some time. Red carpet celebrities join this show.  They have also announced the date of this show for the year of 2016. This show will be held on 21 December in this year. 
Salman Khan Fell off his chair due to his laughter. His personality and the amazing way of acting is very famous. He is also known as the most smiley faced actor of the Bollywood. It is also said that in the personal life of Salman Khan, he is a very jolly man and he remains always happy and good with others. His behavior with his colleagues and the persons, who are working at his home, is also very gentle and kind. 
They say that the Salman Khan talks to them always in a very jolly mood. He often remains with smiling face. The incident to Fell off from his chair was also because of his laughter. Anyhow, it was a memorable time for the fans of Salman Khan and for him also. 


After Watching this Exercise of Pakistan Navy, You will really Proud of it

Pakistan Armed Forces are proud of our nation. The birth of our Proud Pakistan Navy was held with the creation of Pakistan on 14th August 1947. It has proved its strength in the wars of 1965 when India attacked Pakistan and they reply the India with double strength. It was the time when India came to know that fighting with Pakistan is not so easy. Before this time, they were thinking that they will occupy the Pakistan very easily. They were expecting to the next breakfast in the Lahore, but our Proud Armed forces broke their dreams by the strength. 
The friendship between Pakistan and China is also our Proud. They have also enjoyed a very strong relationship between their military from the last some years. After creation of Pakistan, the friendship of Pakistan and China has been increased with the passage of time. This friendship is Proud for the both countries. Pakistan and China have also shared their military techniques. They share the weapon and strategic development with one another. 
In this video, the shared exercises of the Pakistan Navy and Chinese army shown. Pakistan Navy Ship Shamsher was designed and built in China. In this exercise, this ship was handed over to the Pakistan navy and it was tested for its functions and development. A Chinese Naval fleet came in Pakistan for the combined exercises in the sea of Pakistan. This exercise was carried out at multinational. Other countries were also involved in this exercise. Our Proud Pakistan Navy is also known as the four-dimensional force. This is the only force of the Pakistan, which has four dimensions. Due to its four dimensions, this proud armed force has the key responsibility for the defense of Pakistan. These exercises are held on regular schedule in the whole year.


Monday 24 July 2017

Pakistan Navy exercise in sea, after watching you will feel proud on Pak Navy

Pakistan Navy is the bravest sea force of the world. It is one of the great armed forces of the Pakistan. The current chief of naval staff is Mr. Asif Sandeela. He is very talented and professional commandant. Pakistan Navy is equipped with the latest weapons to use under and over the sea. These weapons also include the naval ships. Pakistan navy is also equipped with the sea fleet. It has the quality to carry the aircraft and helicopters with heavy guns of armament. This force of Pakistan has done a great job in the war of 1965. At that time, the command of the Pakistan navy took very bold decisions and affected the enemy from every side. 
It is an amazing video about the exercises of Pakistan Navy, which were recently being carried out in the open sea of Pakistan. These were the routine exercises of the Pakistan Navy and the special techniques were organized and tested in this exercise. Newly introduced submarine of Pakistan Navy which is Augusta 90, was also tested in this exercise. Pakistan navy has the special techniques to defend our country. In this exercise, these special techniques are tested with different scenarios. The duration of this exercise was 40 days. 
After few days of exercise, the Chinese Navy also joined the Pakistan navy. People’s liberation army introduced their new fleet and submarines during this exercise. This exercise was the display of power to the enemies of the Pakistan and China. This was the warning to the enemies that at the time of war, we will be together to face any hard time. It was a great experience for Pakistan Navy and Chinese people’s liberation army to learn the new techniques and see different strategic movements for the real war time. 


Threat of Raheel Shareef to India in His Speech

The speech of General Raheel Shareef on 6th September was a Threat to the India. There was a great response by the public of the Pakistan about his speech. The public of the Pakistan was feeling the need of this type of speech at this time, which should be a threat to the Indian Government. He is the only leader in the Pakistan, who can deliver the speech in this way. He is already the hero of our nation. After this speech, not only people of Pakistan, but every Muslim in the whole world is very happy by the Threat to the India. 
He made this speech which was, in fact, a Threat to the India, on 6TH September, in the event of defense day of Pakistan. This was a great day for our nation and we celebrate this day every year in the memorial of our martyrs. These were the real heroes of our history and we are living in the free country only due to these heroes of the nation. In his speech, he clearly told to the India that they know that how to give the reply to India of its every act. What is happening in the Baluchistan is very clear to the whole world. 
This is the fact that in this situation, there was a need of Threat to the India. General Raheel Shareef is the person, who has the courage to say this all about. He clearly told to the India that doesn't think any bad thing about Pakistan. The government of India is shocked about the Threat of General Raheel Shareef. They are now silent and in peace. General Raheel Shareef has told them that Pakistan is our loving country. We will sacrifice our lives for the sovereignty of Pakistan. After this threat like speech, he has become the hero of the whole Muslim World.   


Speech of Raheel Shareef was a threat to India

On 6th September, Chief of Army Staff, General Raheel Shareef made a Speech. This speech was not only a Speech; it was a real threat to the India. General Raheel Shareef is the hero of our country. The Speech he made was a tough answer to the Indian government about their acts. What they are doing in Kashmir and what they want to do in the Baluchistan is very clear to the world. India is thinking that he can do anything according to its wish, but the General Raheel Shareef has told them in the speech that they are thinking totally wrong. 
This Speech was arranged in the event of the defense day of Pakistan. This day is celebrated as the heroes of the history. These were the heroes, who forgot their present only for our future. They are the real heroes in the history of the Pakistan. Before the Speech of General Raheel Shareef, the parade of our military forces was arranged. In his speech, he clearly described that we are living in the free environment only due to the heroes of our history. 
In the start of the ceremony, General Raheel Shareef asked for the Fateha and he also placed the floral wreath on the monument of our great martyrs. After this, in his Speech, he clearly told India that we are here for our country and we will not go even one step. There was a great response to his speech by the public of Pakistan. All the people are thinking him as he is the one person, who will speak for their country. The forces of Pakistan are the real proud of Pakistan. In the presence of these leaders, nobody can even look towards our country with a bad attitude. 


Sunday 23 July 2017

Pak China Attack on India

The question is being heard on so many plate forms that what would happen if the Pakistan and China combine their forces and attack on the India. It can say that it would not be better for India. It is true that Pakistan is very small country as compared than India. Pakistan is very small in the population, resources and area as well. When we compare it with India, the fact comes on a front that there is no match of these two economies. 
But it is also a reality and the whole world is the witness that Pakistan, being a very small country as compares then India has fought three very major wars with this large economy. These three wars proved that the Pakistan alone is enough for the whole India. With China it will be a great power. It is also a fact that the Pakistani forces fight with a passion for their country. If they do not have sufficient resources, they still have trust on Allah Almighty. The forces of Pakistan have a major cause and they fight for the cause. 
If we get together with the China and go to fight with India, then every country of the world would know the result before the starting of war. This war would clear the map of the India from the globe of the earth. The whole world will forget the existence of India. There is a major cause of this victory, which is the existence of Muslims, living in the India. This Muslim community is also a force of Pakistan. They are waiting for the time when they will fight for Pakistan. 
These people are living in India, but their hearts are beating for Pakistan. They will also be fighting for Pakistan if Pakistan and China attack on the India. This Muslim community will erase the India from inside. On the other hand, people of China are also with Pakistan.